In studying GCSE Maths students will
Mathematics can be used to develop models of real situations and these models may be more or less effective depending on how the situation has been simplified and the assumptions that have been made. Students should also be able to recall, select and apply mathematical formulae.
Over the course students will study the following subject content:
1 Number
2 Algebra
3 Ratio, proportion and rates of change
4 Geometry and measures
5 Probability
6 Statistics
In addition to this subject content, students should be able to recall, select and apply mathematical formulae.
Students will be entered at either Foundation or Higher level. Those taking Foundation can acquire Grades 1 – 5 and those taking Higher can attain Grades 4 - 9.
The Government has said that grade 4 is a ‘standard pass’ and that Grade 5 is a ‘strong pass’. Grade 4 remains the level that students must achieve without needing to re-sit Maths post-16.
All students will take 3 written papers of 1 hour 30 minutes duration.
One is non-calculator, two allow a calculator.
Each is worth 80 marks and is 33⅓% of the GCSE Mathematics assessment.
This course provides a broad, coherent, satisfying and worthwhile course of study, allowing students to develop confidence and a positive attitude towards mathematics. It will also provide a strong mathematical foundation for students who go on to study mathematics (or related subjects) at a higher level post-16.
Tel: 01530 412756
Tel: 01455 822841
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